Hrafnkell Sigurðsson, Resolution, 2022. Digital video billboard. Courtesy Hverfisgallerí, Reykjavik and CHART in Tivoli 2022
Photo: Jan Søndergaard
About The Artist
Icelandic artist Hrafnkell Sigurðsson (b. 1963) is primarily preoccupied with photography and its ability to grasp and communicate the way he sees the world. Extending this approach, Sigurðsson also works with video, sculpture, installation, and other media.
For his project in Tivoli, Sigurðsson has chosen to interrupt the information flow on Tivoli’s large billboard screens with an artwork. For half an hour each evening, the billboard screens on both sides of the centre stage in the garden will present his video work Resolution, which consists of colourful, abstract images. The digitally processed images are abstractions of pixels from a telescope photo of another abstract world, the original footage is of galaxies as they looked a few million years ago.
Resolution will screen every day from 18:00 - 18:30 at Plænen (Tivoli's open air stage).
Find out more about the CHART in Tivoli exhibition

Portrait of Hrafnkell Sigurðsson
Courtesy of Hverfisgallerí. Photo by Snorri Bros

CHART in Tivoli map