CHART Talks Podcast

Listen to inspiring conversations recorded live at CHART. Dive into talks between artists and curators, as well as panel discussions with experts from diverse creative fields.

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Johannes Sivertsen & Modou Dieng Yacine

For this episode in the newest season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between collaborating artists Johannes Sivertsen and Modou Dieng Yacine in conversation with Marie-Ann Yemsi, independent curator and board member at Palais de Tokyo in Paris.

Together, Sivertsen and Dieng Yacine uncover the unique origins of their collaboration, how they have developed joint exhibitions, and the fresh perspectives collaboration brings to their engagement with identity and colonial history. The conversation invites us to reflect on how we learn about the world and the way we understand the connections between different cities.

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Artist talk with Johannes Sivertsen, Modou Dieng Yacine and Marie Ann Yemsi at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 10

Pia Ferm & Stephanie Cristello

For this episode of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between Pia Ferm, an artist known for her work with fiber, textile, and stone, and Stephanie Cristello, a Chicago-based art critic, curator, and author.

Their conversation examines Perm's artistic practice and how fiber and stone communicate in relief, the visible marks of creation, and how the body’s movements are both present and elusive in each work. Ferm's practice draws from landscapes to blend figuration and abstraction, crafting each piece through weaving, tufting, and carving—sometimes building her own looms. Cristello brings insight into Ferm’s exploration of material, form, and the concept of time.

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Artist talk with Pia Ferm and Stephanie Cristello at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 9

Review/Revive Neo Nordic Architecture

For this episode of the CHART Talks podcast, experts and newcomers to the architectural industry share insights into the unique approach and values shaping New Nordic Architecture.

Moderated by Tyra Dokkedahl, architect, journalist and founder of Seriously Fun, the panel features Jonas Sarantaris from the Breeze Pavilion team, Søren Pihlmann, Founder of Pihlmann Architects, and Jakob Brandtberg Knudsen, Dean of Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy.

Together, they discuss the Breeze Pavilion and what makes Nordic architecture distinct, delving into the essential principles of sustainability, integration with surroundings, functionality, cultural context, human-centered design, and innovation.

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'Review/Revive Neo Nordic Architecture' talk at CHART 2024

Photo by Joachim Munck/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 8

Trine Søndergaard & Saara Hacklin

For the latest episode of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between Trine Søndergaard, a photography-based visual artist, and Saara Hacklin, Chief Curator of Contemporary Art Museum KIASMA in Finland.

The conversation starts with Søndegaard's first experiences with a camera at primary school and goes on to cover her early days as an artist working with painting and drawing, before her eventual move to integrate photography into her practice. The discussion goes on to focus on the artist's work with museum collections, the balance between "dead traditions" and "everyday life", and the ways in which cultural artefacts can help us gain new perspectives on contemporary social issues.

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Artist talk with Trine Søndergaard and Saara Hacklin at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 7

Teo Ala-Ruona & Storm Møller Madsen

For this episode in the newest season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between the Finnish performance artist Teo Ala-Ruona and Storm Møller Madsen, PhD, from the University of Copenhagen, whose expertise spans performance art, body-based performance, transgender identity, and embodiment.

Together, they discuss the intricate layers of Ala-Ruona’s work and how bodywork and words can challenge and expand our understanding of the body in a modern context.

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Artist talk with Teo Ala-Ruona and Storm Møller Madsen at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 6

Marcus Leslie Singleton & Fatoş Üstek

For this episode in the second season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between the figurative painter Marcus Leslie Singleton and Fatoş Üstek, independent curator and writer based in London whose work includes curating the annual Frieze Sculpture exhibition in Regent’s Park.

Together, they explore topics central to Singleton’s process and vision—reflecting on memory, the interpretative nature of images, and his evolving perspective after moving away from the city. Singleton shares his approach to color, jazz, serendipitous “happy accidents,” and daily life alongside his cat, Lent, revealing how these elements shape his vibrant, layered compositions.

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Artist talk with Marcus Leslie Singleton and Fatoş Üstek at CHART 2024

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 5

Ambiguous AI

For the fifth episode in a new season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between Arvida Byström, contemporary artist; Michael Connor, Co-Director of Rhizome, an organisation committed to preserving and presenting digital art; moderated by Fatos Üstek, an independent curator and writer based in London, who recently curated the 2024 Frieze Sculpture exhibition and published 'The Art Institution of Tomorrow'.

Together the panelists discuss the different ways in which new AI technologies are influencing contemporary art, for artists and audiences alike. Discussing everything from AI assistants, to sex dolls and van Gogh chat bots, the conversation considers the ways in which new technologies are impacting cultural economies, our relationship to the body and gender politics, and how this trend is likely to continue for years to come.

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'Ambiguous AI' panel discussion featuring Arvida Byström, Michael Connor and Fatos Üstek at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 4

Jan Gehl & Tyra Dokkedahl

For the fourth episode of the second season of the CHART Talks podcast, we explore the pioneering world of architect Jan Gehl, a visionary in human-centric urban design, inspired by a question once posed to him: Why are architects not interested in people?—igniting his lifelong quest to reshape city planning. Gehl’s philosophy, honed through his groundbreaking book Life Between Buildings, has transformed public spaces in cities worldwide, from New York to Copenhagen. Joining him is Tyra Dokkedahl, director of Seriously Fun and co-initiator of Empathic Environments, whose work at the intersection of art, architecture, and urban culture explores the social and cultural aspects of public spaces.

Together, Gehl and Dokkedahl discuss the evolution of cities, the activism that’s shaped Gehl’s career, and his recent knighthood by the Queen of Denmark. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on public spaces, the impact of people watching, and what makes certain urban areas inviting while others fall short.

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Architecture Talk with Jan Gehl and Tyra Dokkedahl at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 3

Nina Beier & Aram Moshayedi

For the third episode in a new season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between the artist Nina Beier and Aram Moshayedi, the current interim chief curator at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles and curator-in-residence at Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo in Mexico City, where he recently oversaw the exhibition Nina Beier Casts.

Together, they discuss the nuances of translating artworks, the challenges of representing sculpture and performance in photographs, and how context shapes interpretation. Topics include the significance of wall text, translation between English and Spanish, and how the same work shifts meaning in different settings. Tune in for an in-depth look at how Beier’s transformative art and Moshayedi’s curatorial insights invite new ways of understanding and engaging with contemporary art.

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Artist talk with Nina Beier and Aram Moshayedi at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 - Episode 2

Advice to an Aspiring Collector

For the second episode in a new season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between Mikkel Hansen, retired handball player, and art collector; Karen Bro, journalist and art collector; and Julie Quottrup Silbermann, Director of CHART; moderated by Swiss-Swedish art enthusiast Roland-Philippe Kretzschmar.

Together, they talk about what collecting means to them, share stories of their first art acquisitions, and offer guidance on key considerations for new collectors. They discuss the distinctions between buying from galleries or art fairs, along with practical tips on navigating art fairs with confidence and where to get inspired and discover new talents. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting out, this conversation sheds light on the motivations and strategies behind building a meaningful collection.

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'Advice to an Aspiring Collector' panel discussion featuring Mikkel Hansen, Karen Bro, Julie Quottrup Silbermann and Roland-Philippe Kretzschmar at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2024 – Episode 1

Inuuteq Storch & Stephanie Cristello

For the first episode in a new season of the CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation between the photographer Inuuteq Storch and Stephanie Cristello, Chicago-based art critic, curator, and author. The conversation was recorded during the exhibition period for Rise of the Sunken Sun, the artist's solo exhibition in the Danish Pavilion as part of the 2024 Venice Biennale.

Storch reflects on his journey as an artist, his connection to the land, his encounters with shamans, and his passions for music and hunting. Through his lens, he reveals the unique moments when motifs seem to call to him, asking to be photographed. Storch also shares the nuances he experiences when photographing people versus landscapes, balancing the deeply personal with the universal and exploring how photography can preserve cultural memory.

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Artist talk with Inuuteq Storch and Stephanie Cristello at CHART 2024

Photo by Michael Kaack/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 10

Consider the transformative power of art in public space

For the tenth episode of the CHART Talks podcast, we are delighted to share a recording of a panel discussion moderated by Anne Mette Rahbæk, Head of Development at Realdania By & Byg featuring Ebbe Stub Wittrup, an artist with experience in creating art both for pre-existing buildings and new constructions, Poul Høilund an architect specialising in destination development, and Maria Eichhorn, an art consultant working for Statens Kunstråd to increase the scope of art in the public sphere.

Covering everything from how art can create meaningful connections between communities, to how art can increase public safety, foster beauty and provide a living document of a city's history, the talk looked at specific examples of successful public art installations in Copenhagen, Rome and other cultural capitals.

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'Art in Urban Development and Public Spaces' panel discussion featuring Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Poul Høilund, Maria Eichhorn and Anne Mette Rahbæk at CHART 2023

Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev

CHART 2023 – Episode 9

Giorgio Celin & Zippora Elders

For the ninth episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a talk between Barcelona-based visual artist Giorgio Celin and Zippora Elders, Chief Curator and Head of the Curatorial Department & Outreach at Gropius Bau in Berlin.

Beginning with the artist’s personal history and movement from Colombia to rural Italy as a young child, the conversation went on to consider the role of intimacy and autobiography in painting as well as the importance of mentors, and the relationship between movement and queerness.

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Artist talk with Giorgio Celin and Zippora Elders at CHART 2023

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 8

Building for the Future – Inclusive Architecture

For the eight episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation moderated by design professional Sarah Müllertz, founder of jewellery brand KINRADEN and former Partner and Head of Global Design at Henning Larsen Architects. Panellists included: Architect and Founder of Wingårdhs Architects, Gert Wingårdh, Architect Camilla Ryhl Ph.D who specialises in the sensory qualities of architecture as well as the interpretation and implementation of universal design as a multidisciplinary value-based ethos, and Rong Guan, Interior Architect and In-house Architect at Polestar, previously Senior Lead Architect for Hirsch Bedner Associates Studio in Shanghai.

The conversation explores the importance of innovative design and how buildings and public spaces can be transformed to provide equal access, and enhance quality of life, for all individuals.

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'Building for the Future' panel discussion featuring Sarah Müllertz, Gert Wingårdh, Camilla Ryhl, and Rong Guanat CHART 2023

Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev

CHART 2023 – Episode 7

When Art & Business Meet

For the seventh episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a conversation moderated by Michael Solgaard, the author of the book ‘Med Kunsten som Indsats – møder mellem erhvervsliv og samtidskunst’ between Mads Nørgaard, CEO and Founder of Mads Nørgaard, Rose Eken, Visual Artist and Anders Byriel, CEO of Kvadrat and Board Member of Ny Carlsbergfondet and the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.

The talk explores the personal journey of each panel member into the world of contemporary art, the different possible forms that the relationship between artist and businesses can take, and the potential for mutually positive impact and creative connection when these relationships are formed.

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'When Art & Business Meet' panel discussion featuring Mads Nørgaard, Rose Eken, Anders Byriel, and Michael Solgaard at CHART 2023

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 6

Leo Park & Markús Þór Andrésson

For the sixth episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a talk between contemporary artist Leo Park and Markús Þór Andrésson, Chief Curator of Exhibitions and Public Engagement at Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland. The conversation was recorded live at Charlottenborg where Leo Park exhibited a solo presentation of new paintings with Gallery Steinsland Berliner as part of CHART 2023.

Starting off by talking about the legacy of modernist painting and sculpture in contemporary art, the conversation went on to consider the significance of tattoos in visual culture, the tradition of Swedish beach scene paintings and the artist's interest in horror films.

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Artist talk with Leo Park and Markús Þór Andrésson at CHART 2023

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 5

Collecting For...

For the fifth episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a live recording of a conversation moderated by the Swiss-Swedish journalist Roland-Philippe Kretzschmar, featuring: Arja Miller, Director of Helsinki Art Museum and Helsinki Biennial, Christine Buhl Andersen, Board Member of Ny Calrsbergfondet and Glyptoteket, and Peder Lund, Founder and Owner of Oslo-based gallery Peder Lund.

The conversation explores the importance of whose voice is heard in the contemporary art scene, how galleries and museums interact and what it means to be a 'perfect collector.'

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'Collecting For...,' panel discussion featuring Arja Miller, Christine Buhl Andersen, Peder Lund, and Roland-Philippe Kretzschmar at CHART 2023

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 4

Lulama Wolf & Fatoş Üstek

In the fourth episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a live recording of a talk between contemporary artist Lulama Wolf and Fatoş Üstek, writer, curator and author of 'The Art Institution of Tomorrow,' a forthcoming book scheduled for publication in April 2024. The conversation coincided with Lulama Wolf's exhibition 'Common Effort,' in dialogue with works by Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, at Eighteen Gallery.

The talk covered everything from Wolf's unique approach to colour and figuration, to the influence of folklore and art history in her works, to what it means to have an introspective relationship with the world around you.

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Artist talk with Lulama Wolf and Fatoş Üstek at CHART 2023

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 3

Klara Kristalova & Marijana Schneider

In the third episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a recording of a talk between contemporary artist Klara Kristalova and Marijana Schneider, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg. The conversation coincided with a significant presentation of new sculptures by Kristalova at CHART with Galleri Magnus Karlsson.

Starting with the Kristalova’s treatment of ceramics as 3-dimensional drawings, the conversation went on to cover everything from the symbolism of masks, the artist’s interest in transitional stages of life and the importance of playfulness and humour.

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Artist talk with Klara Kristalova and Marijana Schneider at CHART 2023

Photo by Joakim Züger/BARSK Projects

CHART 2023 – Episode 2

How To Collect

For the second episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a live recording of a conversation moderated by Director of CHART, Julie Quottrup Silbermann, featuring: Khurram Jamil, private collector, Saskia Neuman, Stockholm-based gallerist and founder of Saskia Neuman Gallery, and Therese Möllenhoff, Director of the Canica Art Collection in Oslo.

Their talk covers such wide-ranging topics as advice for first time collectors, the sorts of tools that collectors can use when seeking works for their own collection or assisting others, and the importance of openness and transparency throughout the art industry.

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'How To Collect,' panel discussion featuring Julie Quottrup Silbermann, Khurram Jamil, Saskia Neuman, and Therese Möllenhoff at CHART 2023

Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev

CHART 2023 – Episode 1

Ragnar Kjartansson & Tine Colstrup

In the first episode of our new CHART Talks podcast, we are happy to share a live recording of a talk between contemporary artist Ragnar Kjartansson and Tine Colstrup, Curator at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, where Kjartansson’s work was the subject of a large-scale retrospective exhibition this summer.

Throughout the conversation, Kjartansson reflects on previous works that engage with Danish-Icelandic colonial history, public attacks on the painting 'Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan' by Ilya Repin, and the music of George Jones. Reflecting on global power dynamics and ideas of privelege and victimhood, the discussion was truly a highlight from this year's CHART.

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Artist talk with Ragnar Kjartansson and Tine Colstrup at CHART 2023

Photo by Jonathan Damslund/BARSK Projects