Artist Nina Beier as part of the VISION panel
Photo by Luna Stage
In 2020, The Bikuben Foundation’s talk and debate platform ‘VISION’ took place in collaboration with CHART to address the challenge of gender imbalance in the art scene. The challenge is ancient, but unfortunately still necessary to discuss and tackle.
Listen in when powerful voices in the Danish art scene discuss the systemic challenge of gender imbalance in the art market and how each and all of us can push for change.
Download the talk as a podcast (Danish only) HERE
The panel includes: gallerist Jesper Elg from V1 Gallery, gallerist Gitte Johannesen from SPECTA Gallery, artist Nina Beier, art collector Sara Lysgaard, Director Michael Thouber from Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Chairman Christine Buhl Andersen of the New Carlsberg Foundation, Director Mikkel Bogh from National Gallery of Denmark (SMK), and Director Nanna Hjortenberg from CHART. Art critic and curator Louise Steiwer moderates the talk.
We can all argue that it is not about gender, but about artistic quality, but then we have to talk about how we understand that concept. [...] We must learn to include all the voices in society that are not represented.
Part of VISION talk & debate

Mikkel Bogh, Director of SMK, and Christine Buhl Andersen, Chairperson at The New Carlsberg Foundation, both part of the VISION panel
Photo by Luna Stage
To put action behind the words and not just make a debate program, we decided that the curation [of CHART 2020] consisted of showing exclusively female artists.
Part of VISION talk & debate

Talk participants
Photo by Luna Stage
Thanks to The Bikuben Foundation for making the event and podcast happen and to Karen Lerbech for producing the podcast.