BERG Contemporary (IS)

BERG Contemporary aims to provide a diversified forum for contemporary art by representing emerging and established artists, and by seeking the resonant tone of the present through a programme of innovative exhibitions. BERG Contemporary is located in an old glass factory in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Smiðjustígur 10 / Klapparstígur 16
101 Reykjavík
(+354) 562 0001

Curated for

For CHART 2024, BERG Contemporary presents two artists of different generations and media, John Zurier and Þórdís Erla Zoëga.

Þórdís Erla Zoëga (IS)

Þórdís Erla Zoëga’s practice is driven by material research as well as an investigation of digital intimacy, post-humanism, science fiction and the idea of connection. She works across multiple media including installations, sculpture, paintings and video. Her installations evoke the interrelationship between man-made materials and their effects on humans in a capitalist environment, as well as the schemes and routines we implement to make sense of our world.

Þórdís Erla Zoëga (b.1988, Reykjavík; IS) lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland. Zoëga graduated from Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2012. Her work has been shown extensively in international contexts including exhibitions in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands and The Czech Republic. In Iceland, recent exhibitions include: The Reykjavík Arts Festival (Reykjavík; IS), Reykjavík Art Museum (Reykjavík; IS), and collaborations with the Icelandic Dance Company and the Blue Lagoon, among others.

Some Space III

Laser milled acrylic glass, dichroic film

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Tímabil / Span

Laser milled acrylic glass, blue dichroic film

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Spaced Out

Installation View

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Spaced Out

Installation View

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Spaced Out

Installation View

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Portrait of Þórdís Erla Zoega

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary

John Zurier (US)

John Zurier paints abstract paintings in which changes in palette and surface are used to invoke the atmosphere and mood of places and times—seen and unseen, past and future. The paintings offer a maximal sense of colour, light, and space with simple and direct means.

John Zurier (b. 1956, Santa Monica; US) lives and works in Berkeley, California. The artist has held numerous solo exhibitions in the US as well as Europe and Japan. His work is represented in public collections including: the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco; US), Moderna Museet Stockholm (Stockholm; SE), the University of California (Berkeley; US), and Berkeley Art Museum (Berkeley; US). Zurier received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship in 2010.

Héraðsdalur (July # 2)


Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary




Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Untitled (Dec. 19, 2015)


Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


Borgarfjörður Eystri 3


Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary


John Zurier, Sometimes (Over Me the Mountain), Installation View, 2018, BERG Contemporary

Courtesy of the artist and BERG Contemporary

BERG Contemporary in Reykjavík

Courtesy of BERG Contemporary