Exhibiting Artists
We are delighted to announce the full list of artists who will be exhibiting in the historic halls of Kunsthal Charlottenborg as part of CHART’s celebratory 10th edition.
The selection of artists this year encompasses a range of practices from across the whole artistic spectrum and will see historical works by 20th century pioneers presented alongside some of the strongest emerging voices in the world of contemporary art.
Highlights from this year’s CHART will include a special presentation by Tomás Saraceno (AR), a new 9.5 meter-long work by Tacita Dean (UK), a presentation curated by artist Charlie Roberts (US), sculptures by Sofia Hultén (SE) and a solo-presentation of new works by Ida Ekblad (NO), to name just a few.
Scroll down to read the full list.
Talks & Events
Alongside the physical structures and exhibitions at Charlottenborg, CHART will present a video programme, a book fair, musical performances, an extensive series of cross-sectorial talks on sustainability and in-depth artist conversations. During CHART, a number of special events will also take place across Copenhagen and neighbouring Malmö in close collaboration with the two cities’ leading museums and art spaces.
For its 10th celebratory edition, CHART will also build on its legacy of celebrating and developing the local arts scene by collaborating with Tivoli Gardens on a public programme of site-specific works to be installed on-site at the iconic amusement park. You can read more about this collaboration here.
Stay tuned for further updates on the programme.

Charlie Roberts, The Collector, 2019, watercolor and gouache on paper
Private collection, Norway, courtesy of the artist and Galleri Golsa

Sofia Hultén, Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok, 2019, two step ladders, steel bearings, steel stand. Dimensions: 205 x 123 x 124 cm
Image courtesy Galerie Nordenhake
Full Artist List: CHART 2022
Anna Aagaard (DK)
Nanna Abell (DK)
Lilý Erla Adamsdóttir (IS)
Emma Ainala (FI)
Diana Al-Hadid (SY/US)
Andreas Albrectsen (DK)
Gioele Amaro (IT)
Magnus Andersen (DK)
Ivan Andersen (DK)
Mamma Andersson (SE)
Bahraini-Danish (BH)
Idun Baltzersen (NO)
Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir (IS)
Anna Bjerger (SE)
Marianne Bjørnmyr (NO)
Michelle Blade (US)
Elina Brotherus (FI)
Peter Linde Busk (DK)
Jean Marc Bustamante (FR)
Kueng Caputo (CH)
Troels Carlsen (DK)
Ethan Cook (US)
Grey Crawford (US)
Tacita Dean (UK)
Stevie Dix (BE)
Jiri Georg Dokoupil (CZ/DE)
Ida Ekblad (NO)
Camilla Engström (SE)
Liv Ertzeid (NO)
Helmut Federle (CH)
Jean-Pascal Flavien (FR)
Kåre Frang (DK)
Emily Gernild (DK)
Laura Guiseppi (DK)
Sigurður Guðjónsson (IS)
Christine Overvad Hansen (DK)
Ilari Hautamäki (FI)
Emma Helle (FI)
Gwen Hollingsworth (US)
Hilde Honerud (NO)
Sofia Hultén (SE)
Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir (IS)
Per Bak Jensen (DK)
Olav Christopher Jenssen (NO)
Kaarina Kaikkonen (FI)
Eeva Karhu (FI)
Minjae Kim (KR)
Pierre Knop (DE)
Espen Kvålsvoll (NO)
John Kørner (DK)
Milja Laurila (FI)
Dominik Lejman (PL)
Mads Lindberg (DK)
Ann Lislegaard (NO/DK)
Sabine Marcelis (NL)
Olof Marsja (SE)
Kristina Matousch (SE)
Soshiro Matsubara (JP)
Alicia McCarthy (US)
Tron Meyer (NO)
Karl Monies (DK)
Malin Gabriella Nordin (SE)
Maria Nordin (SE)
Jockum Nordström (SE)
Nina Nowak (DK)
Marco Pariani (IT)
Eeva Peura (FI)
Eggert Pétursson (IS)
Tal R (IL/DK)
Lulu Refn (DK)
David Risley (UK)
Charlie Roberts (US)
Viktor Rosdahl (SE)
Chloé Royer (FR)
Maria Rubinke (DK)
Jani Ruscica (FI)
Rasmus Røhling (DK)
Anja Salonen (US)
Guillermo Santomá (ES)
Tomás Saraceno (AR)
Peter Schuyff (NL)
Julia Selin (SE)
Johannes Sivertsen (FR/DK)
Soft Baroque (SI/AU)
Erik Steffensen (DK)
Superpoly (FR)
Marie Søndergaard Lolk (DK)
Thorbjørn Sørensen (NO)
Alexander Tovborg (DK)
Janaina Tschäpe (DE)
Anna Tuori (FI)
Santeri Tuori (FI)
Kristiina Uusitalo (FI)
Steina & Woody Vasulka (IS/CZ)
Niina Vatanen (FI)
Þór Vigfússon (IS)
Trude Viken (NO)
Sascha Weidner (DE)
Sif Itona Westerberg (DK)
Martin Wickström (SE)
Clare Woods (UK)
Jakub Julian Ziółkowski (PL)
Þhordis Erla Zoega (IS)
Johan Österholm (SE)
Thomas Øvlisen (DK)

Camilla Engström, Blödande Sol (Bleeding Sun), Oil on canvas, 2021
Photo: Viktor Fordell. © the artist. Courtesy of Carl Kostyál

Soshiro Matsubara, Untitled, 2021
Photo by Kunst-dokumentation.com