The Leading Event for Contemporary Art in the Nordic Region
At the 11th edition of CHART, we were delighted to welcome a particularly strong turnout of journalists from Danish, Nordic and international media alike.
This year we enjoyed unprecedented coverage in the Danish press, with articles being published in all major national newspapers. Highlights included extensive interviews with CHART director Julie Quottrup Silbermann in Berlingske, Børsen Pleasure, ELLE, and Kulturmonitor, as well as additional interviews with Jesper Elg (V1 Gallery) in Politiken, and Susanne Ottesen (Galleri Susanne Ottesen) in Weekendavisen. Live broadcasts from CHART 2023 also featured on Danish national television TV2 and radio station P1 Kultur.

CHART 2023
Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev
Elsewhere in the Nordic region, we were particularly excited to receive coverage from Helsinki's Helsingin Sanomat (the largest daily newspaper in the Nordics) Iceland's Morgunbladid, Sweden's Sydsvenskan, and the Swedish-based magazine Vogue Scandinavia.
On the international stage it was a joy to read complimentary coverage from such leading publications as The Financial Times (UK), Forbes (US), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (DE), Die Welt (AT), Il Sole 24 Ore (IT) and Wallpaper* (US) among many others.
Scroll down to find a comprehensive list of links to press coverage from CHART 2023.
"The gallerists emphasise that they don't just come here to buy and sell. It's about relationships that are built over time – with artists, collectors, future collectors, other gallerists, international museums."
Helsingin Sanomat
Stock exchange for art opens with $55mn Francis Bacon
Melanie Gerlis, The Financial Times (UK). 03.06.23. Article in English.
»Der skal åbenbart en del til, før man tør kalde sig kunstsamler«
Birgitte Ellemann Höegh, Berlingske (DK). 12.08.23. Article in Danish.
Ryhtyisitkö keräilijäksi, jos tarjolla olisi suolasirotin 570 eurolla? Näin toivotaan pohjoismaiden merkittävimmillä taidemessuilla
Aino Frilander, Helsingin Sanomat (FIN). 28.08.23. Article in Finnish.
Kunstevents indtager København: En kvinde render rundt og taber blomster fra en kæmpe buket
Louis Raaschou, Politiken (DK). 23.08.23. Article in Danish
CHART 2023: In Conversation With The Leading Nordic Art Event’s Director
Nargess Banks, Forbes (US). 31.08.23. Article in English.
Ida Kvetny var på internettet før de fleste og lavede digital kunst før de fleste. Nu ser hun et åbent øjeblik
Birgitte Kjeldsen, Information (DK). 20.01.23. Article in Danish.
Vistkerfi listheimsins kemur saman
Ragnheiður Birgisdóttir, Morgunblaðið (IS). 23.08.23. Article in Icelandic.

Image of magazines from CHART 2023 KIOSK
Photo by Joakim Züger / BARSK Projects
"CHART Art Fair has a definite proposition. Founded in 2013 by five leading Copenhagen galleries, the annual three-day event in August is a window into the Nordic contemporary art and design scene. And it’s become one of the highlights on the arts calendar."
Anmeldelse. Den københavnske kunstuge bød på ferniseringer, kunstkøb, koldbrygget te og gode spørgsmål, for eksempel: Hvad sker der, når det ikke længere er smart at være feminist?
Pernille Albrethsen, Weekendavisen (DK). 02.09.23. Article in Danish.
Art fair director Julie Quottrup Silbermann’s perfect day in Copenhagen
Roula Khalaf, The Financial Times (Globetrotter). 07.08.23. Article in English.
Lulu Kaalund's crochet-covered boat just kicked off Copenhagen’s CHART Art Fair
Clare McInerney, Vogue Scandinavia (SE). 23.08.23. Article in English.
CHART 2023 un punto di ingresso per la scena artista nordica
Maria Adelaide Marchesoni, Il Sole 24 Ore (IT). 28.08.23. Article in Italian.
How Copenhagen’s CHART Art Fair celebrated its first decade
Nargess Shahmanesh Banks, Wallpaper* (US). 07.09.23. Article in English.
CHART-direktør Julie Silbermann om årets kunstmesse: "Jeg vil gerne åbne for at kunst skal være for alle"
Ditlev Fejerskov, ELLE Magazine (DK). 15.08.23. Article in Danish.
Ein Grund mehr, den Tivoli zu besuchen
Annegret Erhard, Welt am Sonntag (DE). 25.08.23. Article in German.

CHART 2023
Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev
Han er Danmarks mest hypede unge kunstner
Benjamin Dane, Børsen Pleasure (DK). 01.06.23. Article in Danish.
Ganz entspannt zur Kunst finden
Ursula Scheer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (DE). 26.08.23. Article in German.
Gallerierne ånder både museer og kunsthaller i nakken
Mathias Kryger, Politiken (DK). 02.09.23. Article in Danish.
L'offensive des petites foires d'art à Ibiza, Marseille ou Copenhague
Yesmine Sliman Lawton, L'Echo (FR). 26.07.23. Article in French.
CHART Introduces Cut-price Programme to Hook New Collectors
Michael Irwin, OCULA (NZ). 17.08.23. Article in English.
Vild kunstsofa symboliserer forårsrengøring
Astrid Ellemo, Sjællandske Nyheder (DK). 19.04.23. Article in Danish.
#15 Julie Quottrup Silbermann
Roland-Philippe Kretzschmar, The Art Bystander. 15.06.23. Podcast in English.
CHART Art Fair 2023: celebrating Nordic contemporary art and architecture
Zeynep Rekkali Jensen, STIRworld (IN). 02.09.23. Article in English.

Photo from CHART 2023
Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev
Till och med konsten är trött på att vara finkulturell
Sara Berg, Sydsvenskan (SE). 25.08.23. Article in Swedish.
The Fashion Lover’s Guide to Copenhagen
Andrea Whittle, W Magazine (US). 09.08.23. Article in English.
CHART-direktøren dyrker byens skjulte kunst
Rikke Agnete Dam, Børsen Pleasure (DK). 26.08.23. Article in Danish.
Kunst erleben in Kopenhagen: CHART 2023
Tom Peters, Idea Magazine (DE). 13.08.23. Article in German.
Bemærk de unge
Helle Fagralid, Kunstkritikk (NO). 24.08.23. Article in Norwegian.
Ready, set, go
Monocle Magazine (UK). 26.08.23. Article in English.
Konst och mässor i Köpenhamn
Carolina Söderholm, (SE). 27.08.23. Article in Swedish.
Ny CHART-direktør vil sætte fokus på billigere kunst, så flere kan være med
Jennifer Frydensbjerg Lehmann, Kulturmonitor (DK). 22.08.23. Article in Danish.
Så er det tid til kunstmesserne CHART og Enter i København (DK). 20.08.23. Article in Danish.
This Week in Copenhagen: A harbour festival, sports events, indie films and a Nordic art fair
"Chart is a highlight on the Nordic arts calendar. Founded a decade ago by five leading Copenhagen galleries, the annual three-day event in August offers a window into the region’s contemporary art and design scene."

CHART 2023
Photo by Niklas Adrian Vindelev